Changes from version 0.4 to version 1.0
Version 1.0 now uses a standard configure/make
Version 1.0 implements all functions that are available in
the MPF class from GMP 3.1 (except mpf_swap)
and a header file mpf2mpfr.h is included in the
distribution for easy change from MPF to MPFR.
Version 1.0 implements new elementary functions: mpfr_sincos
Some functions and macros have been renamed: mpfr_log2 is now
mpfr_const_log2, mpfr_pi is now
mpfr_const_pi, SIGN is now MPFR_SIGN.
Version 1.0 uses faster algorithms for mpfr_exp,
mpfr_const_pi, mpfr_const_log2.
Compare the timings from version
1.0 and version 0.4.
Version 1.0 corrects some bugs
of version 0.4.
The precision of MPFR variables is now named mpfr_prec,
which makes it easier to change it, to say unsigned long long.
Same for the rounding mode which is called mp_rnd_t.