GNU MPFR version 2.4.2 (released on 30 November 2009)

[download] [documentation] [bugs] [changes] [platforms] [timings of 2.4.0]

The andouillette sauce moutarde release, patch level 2.

MPFR 2.4.2 requires GMP 4.1.0 or higher (GMP 4.2.3 or higher is recommended).

This is the latest version of the 2.4 branch, which is no longer supported (major bugs will be fixed for some time as patches only). Please upgrade to MPFR 3.0.0 (or higher, when new versions are released): latest MPFR release.

Warning! GCC 4.4.0 miscompiles MPFR 2.4.2. This is detected by make check (failures in tget_z and tpow_all). Please use a different compiler; note that only GCC 4.4.0 is affected; the bug has been fixed in GCC 4.4.1.

Warning! On Solaris, MPFR 2.4.2 can be miscompiled with GCC. This is in fact a bug in the Solaris memset function, which has been fixed by Sun in October 2009. For more information about this bug, see this bug report and this thread. See also information about the fix.


The MPFR 2.4.2 source can be downloaded in the following archive formats:

MPFR is also available via third-party packages and ports.



The bugs listed below have been fixed (latest update: 2010-01-11). The patches are distributed under the same license as this version of MPFR, that is, the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU Lesser GPL), version 2.1 or later. Note that patches from the trunk (not listed on this page) are under the GNU Lesser GPL version 3 or later, thus may be backported only by the authors or the FSF without a license upgrade.

The following instructions are for Linux and may be similar for other operating systems. You can apply the patches in several ways:

With the first two ways, the PATCHES file is modified, so that one can know what patches have been applied, using the new mpfr_get_patches function. Moreover a suffix is added to the version string, but note that for practical reasons, not all the files where the version appears are patched; thus one can also track applied patches with the MPFR_VERSION_STRING macro (header) and the mpfr_get_version function (library). However, if some patches are not applied or if patches are applied in a different order, then the patch command will fail to update some chunks, so that the suffix is not always reliable for patches.

Note: These patches are in unified diff format and some vendors' patch commands cannot deal with them; in this case, please use GNU patch (it may already be installed on your system, e.g. as /usr/local/bin/patch or gpatch).

Fixed bugs:

  1. If the mpfr_sin_cos function is called on the minimum positive number or its opposite allowed by the current MPFR implementation (in the largest exponent range) and the rounding mode is toward zero or equivalent, then an underflow occurs but the underflow flag is not set. This bug in fixed by the sin_cos_underflow patch (which also provides additional tests of mpfr_sin_cos to trigger this bug).
    [Changeset: c30684fe (r6629)]
  2. Due to a change in GCC 4.4 internals for MIPS, the MPFR build fails on MIPS processors with GCC 4.4 and later. The longlong.h patch (written by Aurélien Jarno) solves this problem.
    [Changeset: ce1f11e7 (r6638)]
  3. Due to an internal change in GMP, MPFR cannot be built with the GMP 5 internal files (option --with-gmp-build). The gmp5 patch from Patrick Pélissier solves this problem.
    [Changeset: f8729ec8 (r6651)]

Bugs that are fixed in the 2.4 or 3.0 branch (and later):

The following bug in the subtraction code is fixed in the 3.0 branch (and later); a patch has been backported for older MPFR versions. In some special cases, the subtraction code can return a result that is not correctly rounded (both mpfr_add and mpfr_sub functions call this code, depending on the signs of the inputs). It can possibly yield undefined behavior, as the result may not be normalized (if MPFR had been built with the --enable-assert configure option, an assertion failure occurs in such a case). This bug cannot occur if the input and output precisions of the subtraction are the same, but it can also be triggered by functions that call mpfr_add or mpfr_sub with different precisions, e.g. by mpfr_fma and mpfr_fms. All the MPFR versions up to version 3.0.0 are affected.

Other bugs: please see the tracker and the BUGS file.

Other problems, which are not MPFR bugs:

Changes from version 2.4.1 to version 2.4.2

Changes in MPFR 2.4.1.

Platforms Known to Support MPFR

MPFR 2.4.2 has been successfully compiled and checked on the following platforms:

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